Toast updated to 1.0.3

Toast has been updated to "The Dark Trilogy" version 1.0.3


Bacon reset: Beyond Reality pack 1.7.10 (AT Launcher)

Hi Everyone.

TPPI has been replaced by Beyond Reality, a pack base on GT hard mode. We chose this pack for GregTech, and because it was completely updated to 1.7.10 with no more MJ.  All mods are powered by RF, EU  or GT power.

You can get all the info on

Bacon is open to the white list. We have worked out some rules about claims and such. This is due to the fact that the ores are spawned in big deposit called vein.

-You may only claim one vein of each type.
-your claim must be within 1000 block from your base.
-Label the borders of your claim clearly with signs.
-Your claim will include other vein in the same chunks.
-there might be other rules and they will be posted at spawn on Bacon.

Thank you and enjoy.

Registration derp.


If you  haven`t received a confirmation email after registering,  please try again as there was an error with our email system.

If you are still not successful, join us on the IRC channel and ask for an admin.

IRC basics here


Griefing incident investigation.


Donut has been shutdown.  We are investigating a "griefing" incident. Sorry for the inconvenience.

If you have information about the incident or know who is the culprit, please PM any of the admins.

There is zero tolerances for this kind of action.


Server Issue: Donut


We are troubleshooting an issue with Donut. Chunks are staying loaded and the only band-aid fix is a reboot when the loaded chunk count gets too high.  So please bare with us while we find a solution.


All good.

thank you for your patience.


For all newcomers

Just in case there is any confusion, anybody not already whitelisted for our servers MUST submit an application and be approved before requesting access to any private packs or side servers.

Changes to TOAST and DONUT

As you may notice in the next little while, DONUT will no longer be running the RR modpack. DONUT has been switched to my private modpack, BreakfastBuffet. TOAST will be shut down and given to Rob when he feels his modpack is ready for it. This does entail a world reset for BreakfastBuffet.

If you were previously playing on DONUT but never played on my modpack, I will need you to respond to this with your IGN so i can whitelist you to be able to download/run the modpack through ATLauncher.

DONUT will be running BreakfastBuffet 1.19.2.

Maintenance the weekend of October 25

All BreakfastCraft servers will be unavailable for approximately 3 hours while we run updates on the OS of the dedicated server box. Please bear with us during this downtime, we'll make it as short and painless as possible.

BreakfastBuffet updated

BreakfastBuffet has updated to 1.19.1

Please update your clients to connect to TOAST.

Bacon Updated

Bacon has been updated to the newest version of TPPI. Please update to version 1.1.2 before connecting.

Help keep the server on!