Breakfast Buffet: something special for 4.0.0XL edition

Hi everyone.

For this run of Breakfast Buffet, we have a surprise for you.  We have tried to put every mod request in the pack.  The only one that didn't make it is Mariculture.  The pack has 200+ mods and is a bitch to load.  I have tested it on my kids potato (Core2Duo with an HD5700). It seemed to work fine.

This week we will be doing a dev run to iron out the bugs.

Tentatively, the date for Donut's reset would be on the morning of March 5th (EST).

Hope to see you then.


Comments on "Breakfast Buffet: something special for 4.0.0XL edition"

Winry's Avatar
9 years ago
*crossing my fingers that I'll be able to load/play it*
Friggen_Mark's Avatar
9 years ago
Aw man, that sucks about mariculture. But I'm sure it'll still be an awesome modpack.

Help keep the server on!